After placing 3rd at the Foot Locker Cross Country South Region Championships on November 30th in North Carolina, Tristan Yoder raced in the National Championships in San Diego, CA on Saturday. Tristan represented Broadway High School amazingly placing 17th becoming an All-American Honorable Mention. Congratulations, Tristan! To see an interview of Tristan by GN N Reporter Bradee Crider go to Gobbler News Network on Instagram.
27 days ago, Broadway High School
Tristan Yoder
Tristan Yoder
Tristan Yoder
Tristan Yoder
Tristan Yoder
Tristan Yoder
The BHS Winter Concert will be held tonight in the school auditorium starting tonight at 7:00pm. It will also be livestreamed on the BHS Broadcating YouTube Channel. Be sure to like and subscribe!
about 1 month ago, Broadway High School
Winter Concert
''Tis the season of giving! FCCLA is doing a Christmas drive for our community. They are asking for donations to help them reach their goal. If you are able to donate please drop off all items in Mrs Simmons rom 231. Help them help the homeless and bring our community together!
about 1 month ago, Broadway High School
FCCLA BHS Christmas Drive
10th Grade Students! If you are a student who enjoys engaging in leadership development activities, exploring leadership from various perspectives, and collaborating with other students throughout the state, please contact Mr. Zarchin in the Counseling Office ASAP about the HOBY Youth Leadership Seminar. This is a great opportunity for you next summer for a few days (plus, it looks GREAT for a college resume!). The 2025 State Leadership Seminar will be held this summer at James Madison University the weekend of May 30th through June 1st. Please reach out to your counselor or Mr. Zarchin for more info to register before December 11th!
about 1 month ago, Broadway High School
Interested in giving holiday gifts to students in the BHS family? We have collected lists of "two needs and a want" from some Broadway families that could use extra support this year. Gifts must be returned by Dec 13th. Please contact Ann Hill at or stop by the BHS office if you'd like to help. Happy Holidays!
about 1 month ago, Broadway High School
Students! Are you Planning Ahead to Pay For College? BHS will be offering a general Financial Aid Presentation for BHS 9th-12th graders presented by Brad Barnett from the JMU Office of Financial Aid. This presentation, which is open to all high school/middle school students and their parents, will be held on Monday, December 9th at 6pm in the BHS Auditorium.
about 2 months ago, Broadway High School
There will be a BHS Driver's Ed mandatory parent meeting on Dec. 3rd from 6:30 to 8:00 in the auditorium.
2 months ago, Broadway High School
Driver's Ed Mandatory Parent Meeting
Broadway High School will be hosting a Veteran's Day Program on Nov. 11th to honor the Veterans of our community. We invite you to join us for the program in the BHS Auditorium. All visitors must sign in at the Main Office. The program will begin at 8:15am. Additionally, all Veterans are invited to breakfast hosted by Broadway FFA prior to the program, 7:15-8:00am. To RSVP for breakfast, please call 540-908-5220 or email
2 months ago, Broadway High School
Veteran's Day Program
Attention Seniors: It is time to order your Class of 2025 t-shirt. All orders are online only through Custom Ink. You have 2 colors to choose from (green or black). Cost is $17.27 (additional cost for some sizes). Order now through November 13th. Shirts will be shipped directly to BHS and will be distributed during advisory. See Mrs. McGovern or Ms. Mills, if you have any questions. Don’t delay, order your senior t-shirt today. or
2 months ago, Broadway High School
Attention Seniors, a rep from Radford University will be visiting BHS on Wednesday October 23rd during Advisory. If interested in speaking with her please stop by the Counseling Dept and sign up with Mrs. Walton
3 months ago, Broadway High School
Be sure to show up and show out tomorrow night for our football team as they take on undefeated Turner Ashby and wear your best pink outfit as it is the breast cancer awareness game!
3 months ago, Broadway High School
Pink Out
This Friday be sure to show up and show out for our football team as they take on undefeated Turner Ashby and wear your best pink outfit as it is the breast cancer awareness game!
3 months ago, Broadway High School
Pink Out
Need some PINK out for this Friday night? Be sure to stop by room 113 or 110 on Thursday and Friday and buy a pair of PINK sunglasses to wear to the game!
3 months ago, Broadway High School
Pink Out
Attention all soccer players! We will be holding an open gym to play FUTSAL starting next Monday, October 7th, from 7:30 to 9pm! This will be in the Small Gym. You must have your physical on file with BHS and be registered on to be eligible to play. See Mr. Kinman with questions!
3 months ago, Broadway High School
Rockingham County Public Schools will be closed on Tuesday, October 1 due to flooding in parts of the county.
4 months ago, Rockingham County Public Schools
Rockingham County Public Schools will be closed on Monday, September 30 due to flooding in parts of the county.
4 months ago, Rockingham County Public Schools
Attention Seniors, a representative from EMU will be visiting BHS on Wednesday October 2, at 9:30. If interested in speaking with him please sign up in the Counseling Dept with Mrs. Walton.
4 months ago, Broadway High School
Attention Seniors a representative from Longwood University will be visiting BHS on Friday September 27th at 9:30. If you are interested in speaking with him please sign up in the Counseling Dept with Mrs. Walton.
4 months ago, Broadway High School
The Powder Puff Games are Monday beginning at 6 pm. The parade will be on Friday afternoon at 5pm followed by the game! The dance will be Saturday night from 7 to 10 pm. One change this year is that dance tickets will only be sold in advance! Students must have a ticket to enter and those will be sold at lunches in the week leading up to Homecoming. Cost is $10 per ticket. If they are planning to bring a guest from another school, they must fill out the guest permission form that is on the front counter in the main office. Guest permission forms must be returned to the office by Wednesday, September 25th. If students have questions, please email or talk to Ms. Hill in the Library.
4 months ago, Broadway High School
Attention Seniors! A representatve from JMU will be visiting BHS on Monday September 23rd at 9:30. If interested in speaking with him please sign up with Mrs. Walton in the Counseling Dept.
4 months ago, Broadway High School